The New York State & Bermuda Foundation Inc.
Robert J. Uplinger
PIP Robert J. Uplinger
Past International President Robert J. Uplinger
Past International President Robert J. Uplinger, of Syracuse, New York, was elected to the association's highest office during the 1971 International Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
A member of the Syracuse (Host) Lions Club since 1946, he held numerous offices on every level of Lions Clubs International before becoming president. Prior to his retirement, Past President Uplinger was an industrial engineer and consultant, and was owner of Robert J. Uplinger, Inc.
Past President Uplinger, who was instrumental in establishing Lions Day with the United Nations, represented the association as an NGO representative for many years.
For his many contributions to the association, Past President Uplinger was the recipient of numerous awards, including several International President's Awards and the Ambassador of Goodwill Award, the highest honor granted by the association to members. He was also a Melvin Jones Fellow.
During his presidency, Past President Uplinger proposed to the International Board that they adopt the "second half" of Helen Keller's 1925 request to make hearing conservation and work with the deaf a major activity of Lions Clubs International.
He received many awards for taking this action, including the Solidarity Merit Award from the World Federation of the Deaf, the World Congress Deaf Award and was also honored by the Empire State Speech and Hearing Clinic.